& Rosie
Your Local Florist
Few birthday presents delight as much as a knock at the door and a bouquet of fresh flowers being presented, beautifully put together by the talented team at your local Glen Innes Florist. At Rhubarb and Rosie, the reaction we get from unsuspecting recipients makes our day. We custom make your flower arrangement on ordering to suit the styles, colours and type of flowers you choose. Choose from a beautifully wrapped bouquet for the vase-lover, or an arrangement presented in a box and bow or pot of your choice, ready to sit on a table and provide up to weeks of joy.
Order today for same day delivery..
We offer same-day delivery to Glen Innes and surrounding towns. You can call us any time up until 5pm for same day delivery to Glen Innes. Please let us know by 10am for delivery to Inverell, Emmaville, Deepwater and Emmaville, and 12pm for Armidale and Guyra deliveries.
Upsize your gift..
We pride ourselves on being a one stop shop for your perfect gift. You have the choise of adding gifts to go with your beautiful flowers. Cupcakes, candles, helium balloons, bears, pots, plants, Koko Black chocolates, gourmet foods and more. Give us a call to arrange your personalised gift.
For same-day delivery from your local florist, call or drop into Rhubarb & Rosie today!